Our Mission

BHF aims to provide a successful community, which adheres to true Islamic values, and to protect our community by promoting strength in all aspects of life.

BHF offers Sunnah Based Fitness — solutions catered to your mental and physical fitness, founded upon Islamic values. Our goal is to understand life taught by Islamic Principles, and to pass these values forward. The correct application of these fundamental concepts positively impact our mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and social well-being. BHF offers a platform where you can hone your skills and connect with our community.

A Little About Us

BHF, Brotherhood Fitness, began with exclusive focus on providing archery and jiu-jitsu classes to Muslim men. Yet, in response to the resounding calls from our Brothers and Sisters, we progressed by establishing distinct classes for both genders. The triumph and popularity of these initiatives have forged pathways to limitless prospects, igniting an unwavering commitment to delivering even more exceptional services.


In the words of the Qur'an:

"Man will not attain anything except through effort." (Surah Najm: Ayah 59)


Guided by this profound principle, we approached experts in diverse domains, humbly seeking their wisdom. Our team encompasses certified financial coaches, accomplished trainers, and erudite Imams, all resolute in offering the true essence of each program.


Allow us to dispel any misconceptions – our allegiance to Islam transcends mere marketing. Our foundation rests on the authenticity of Islamic teachings as the conduits to genuine success. We take pride in upholding complete transparency in our aspirations and missions, rejecting any shadows of deceit.


BHF's growth is constant, and within this expansion, envisions the dawn of "Sisterhood Fitness," a self-sustained venture. As you traverse our virtual domains, you'll encounter the remarkable Team of Brothers and explore an array of captivating programs we present.


Join us on this empowering odyssey of self-discovery and transformation. Whether Brother or Sister, BHF extends an open embrace to embark on a voyage of comprehensive growth and fulfillment. Navigate to our Programs page and take the inaugural step toward a life enriched with Islamic values, personal empowerment, and unwavering dedication to excellence. Together, we shall flourish and prosper on this awe-inspiring expedition.

Meet Our President

Qutub Syed

A devoted student of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf Hanson, a true visionary and the driving force behind BHF's success story. With a remarkable journey that began as a seasoned recruiting trainer for pharmacies and evolved into a freelance copywriter , Qutub's diverse background has shaped him into a dynamic leader and entrepreneur. 


As the First President and co-founder of BHF, Qutub Syed brings unparalleled dedication and passion to the company. From its inception, he has been instrumental in shaping BHF's mission and values, creating an organization that is not only driven by success but also firmly rooted in making a positive impact on society.


Qutub's academic pursuits have been equally impressive. With a major in Biochemistry and a minor in Philosophy from the University of Alberta, he has earned the reputation of a "Jack of All Trades." His diverse educational background has equipped him with a unique perspective and an ability to think critically and creatively.

"A thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched by knowledge itself, but by the ignorance of a subject."

Meet Our CEO

Syed Hussain

Syed Muhtasim Hussain, a man of many talents and aspirations, stands at the helm of this transformative journey as the co-founder and CEO of our company. He brings a unique blend of experience and expertise to BHF.


With a high priority placed on serving his community, he understands the paramount importance of safeguarding against potential risks and threats. His dedication to BHF has been the driving force behind our adaptability and consistent growth.


Syed envisions BHF as a reliable brand offering Sunnah Solutions to the community. Syed continuously demonstrates his unwavering commitment to protecting lives via affairs management. With his leadership, he aims to build a network of brothers that pursue to achieve 'aafiyah.


At BHF, we integrate time-tested Sunnah practices into modern services, fostering spiritual well-being and transforming communities. Our mission is to create a safer, healthier, and happier world, rooted in faith and compassion. 

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