English Language

Join Our Revival Readers Book Club

BHF Revival Readers Book Club is your stop on a journey of timeless narratives.

Grab yourself a warm cup of coffee, and come sit with us for our weekly discussions.

English Language + Book Club

$95 . 00


  • History of English
  • Grammar
  • Prounounciation
  • Spelling
  • Reading List(s)
  • Grading Criteria
  • IELTS Prep
  • Revival Readers Book Club

Our Philosophy

BHF offers English language classes for improved speech, refined reading comprehension, and masterful writing prowess, cultivating well-rounded communicators and literati.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said (translated): "The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people." (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Imparting knowledge, encompassing languages as well, stands as a benevolent deed that brings forth benefit to others—an esteemed practice held in high regard within the realm of Islam.

Cultivating linguistic abilities has the potential to bolster individuals' economic empowerment and their capacity to participate in a multitude of professions and trades.

Nurturing language proficiency can augment individuals' potential to partake in diverse vocations and crafts, thus adding to their welfare and fostering personal growth

BHF's mission revolves around relaying English language skills to enhance communication. Proficiency in English shall act as a gateway for our fellow brethren to engage more effectively with individuals from diverse ethnic origins, given its status as a universal medium of expression.

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