Archery Programs
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Have you never shot an arrow? Or have you become adept, seeking a new challenge? BHF offers tiered programs to help you learn and grow with this time-less art of patience, precision, and discipline.

Brazilian Jiu jitsu
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Wrestling)
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Lean the correct methods of protecting yourself using our grappling techniques and submission tactics. Get ready to be the hero in your life!

Horse Riding
Horse Riding
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Get in touch with your humanity and emotions as you build trust in these magnificent and faithful steeds.

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BHF offers a unique selection of sports under the umbrella of Sunnah Based Fitness. These sports have a strong affiliation with Islamic values, providing multiple benefits to various aspects of life.



Improved Focus & ConcentrationBeginning to feel like your attention span has reduced down to a mere 10 seconds?

Archery can help improve your focus and concentration as the sport demands precision and control to hit the target, consistently. Archers need to maintain a high level of concentration during each shot, blocking out distractions and maintaining a steady mental state.

Increased Patience & DisciplineArchery is a sport that rewards patience and delayed gratification. Achieving consistent accuracy and hitting the bullseye takes time and effort. As archers experience incremental improvements, they learn the value of patience in achieving long-term success.

Enhanced Mental Clarity and Stress ReductionExperience a state of flow, where you become fully immersed in the activity, lose track of time, and experience a sense of effortless concentration. Flow states are associated with enhanced mental clarity and a reduced sense of stress or anxiety.

Problem Solving & Tactical ThinkingBJJ practitioners face various opponents with different body types, skill levels, and techniques, creating a dynamic and unpredictable environment. This challenges practitioners to think critically and adapt their strategies on the fly.

Coordination & BalanceHorse Riding is a partnership between the rider and the horse, requiring seamless coordination to communicate effectively. Riders must develop a deep understanding of their horse's cues and movements to respond appropriately, which improves overall coordination.


Body Flexibility & EnduranceDraw, Aim, Stabilize, Relaase, & Follow Through.

These movements engage the upper body muscles through their full range of motion, contributing to improved flexibility and coordination

Sharpen Motor SkillsEngaging in activities that demand fine motor skills has been associated with improved brain connectivity and motor control.

Archery, Jiu-Jitsu, and Horse Riding all help sharpen your motor skills, along with promoting better hand-eye coordination.

Core Strengthening & Posture SettingWhile riding, the core muscles are continuously engaged to maintain balance and stability on the horse. These muscles include the rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis. The horse's natural movements challenge the core, leading to increased core strength over time.

Caloric ExpenditureNeed to burn calories to meet your weight-loss goals? Don't have the time nor the energy to go for a daily jog? Diabetes and high blood pressure setting in?

1 hour of horse riding can help burn almost double the calories compared to a medium-paced run.

Yes, that's right! Double!

Start slow, and experience the thrill as you incrementally increase your speed.

Breathing ControlControlling the horse's movements and maintaining balance in the saddle require proper breathing control. Riders learn to synchronize their breath with the horse's rhythm, enhancing lung capacity and cardiovascular efficiency.

Endorphin ReleaseEngaging in physical activities like Horse Riding triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting chemicals in the brain. This can lead to an immediate improvement in mood and overall emotional well-being.


Beloved SunnahFollowing upon this Sunnah which is more beloved to the Prophet SAW than any other social activity establishes a spiritual connection, not only with the Sunnah, but also with The Prophet SAW.

Humility and Gratitude

Archery fosters these skills by:

  1. Defining a role of a student;
  2. Establishing a path towards strength and mastery, and;
  3. Teaching when to correctly use this new power, as to not abuse 

Alignment of Body & MindArchery demands a harmonious alignment of the body and mind. The physical actions of drawing the bow and releasing the arrow are intimately connected with the focused intention of the mind. This unity of body and mind symbolizes spiritual harmony.

Meditative QualitiesThe rhythmic movement of riding and the calming presence of horses can induce a meditative state, promoting emotional relaxation and stress relief.

Respect For LifeBJJ promotes controlled and non-lethal techniques for self-defense, emphasizing the preservation of life. In Islamic ethics, respecting the sanctity of life is of utmost importance, and BJJ aligns with this principle by offering methods to neutralize threats without causing harm.

Awareness of Present StatesBJJ requires practitioners to be fully present in the moment during training and sparring sessions. This mindfulness cultivates a deeper connection with the immediate experience, promoting a stronger mind-body connection

Trust and TawakkulRiding a horse requires trust between the rider and the animal. This trust aligns with the Islamic concept of tawakkul, which is to place complete trust and reliance on Allah while taking necessary actions.


Self ConfidenceWhether you're levelling-up through our BJJ ranks, or you've become a professional archer, or you have mastered the art of riding your horse, you will undoubtedly find your self-confidence to be at peak as you become the best in each program.

Sense of AccomplishmentLearning to manage emotions and nerves contributes to a sense of discipline in maintaining composure under pressure.

Archery, Jiu-Jitsu, and Horse Riding all help sharpen your motor skills, along with promoting better hand-eye coordination.

Stress ReductionArchery can be an outlet for emotional expression. It allows individuals to channel their emotions into the shot, providing a healthy and productive way to process feelings. The physical act of releasing the arrow can symbolize letting go of negative emotions or tension.

Self Assurance & Mental ToughnessBJJ training challenges individuals both physically and mentally. As practitioners overcome obstacles and push through difficult situations in training, they develop mental toughness and resilience, leading to greater self-assurance.

Profound Emotional Connection & BondBuilding a connection with a horse requires trust and empathy. As riders learn to understand their horse's body language and respond to their needs, a strong emotional bond develops

Interacting with horses can help individuals learn to regulate their emotions. Horses are sensitive animals that respond to human emotions, encouraging riders to be more aware of their emotional states and develop emotional self-regulation skills.

Phobia IrradicationMany people fear specific things from a wide array off of a spectrum. Spending time outdoors, surrounded by nature and animals, is a therapeutic method of not only easing phobia symptoms, but to overcome certain phobias, as well.


Inclusive Environment & BelongingThese are all sports that can be enjoyed by people of various ages, backgrounds, and abilities. Their inclusive nature encourages a diverse group of individuals to come together, promoting a welcoming and supportive community.

Vital ConnectionsIf you've found yourself in a position where you need help, starting  in any aspect of life, then you need to connect with individuals. Without social connections and social help, nothing in life is truly profitable or sustainable.

Social SkillsWorking within a community of peers allows you to learn, and teach other companions, correct mannerisms. Whether they be for conducting social interactions, or handling social affairs, you have a community to teach and learn.

CamaraderieAs practitioners help each other learn and improve, they develop a sense of belonging and community based on shared goals and mutual growth

Brotherhood UnityHorses have historically been considered companions and assets, emphasizing unity and mutual support. In Islamic spirituality, the sense of brotherhood and community is essential to foster a strong and united Ummah (community)

Symbolism of FreedomRiding a horse represents the experience of freedom and liberation. In other spiritual traditions, freedom is often associated with breaking free from limitations and connecting with one's true essence. Horse riding provides a sense of freedom as individuals ride through open spaces and experience the beauty of nature.

Research shows that Archery, Jiu Jitsu, and Horse Riding are often used as therapies for several different mental disorders. The results provide insights to a high success rate in treating and curing patients of anxiety, depression, and many others.

Sunnah Sports
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